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As social awareness around business activity, and its direct correlation with environmental and social impact, increase sustainability continues to lie at the heart of the industry.

Connect with Omdia today and identify digital transformation opportunities that will help you drive continuous change and enable you to deliver to scale whilst reducing both your social and environmental impact.

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Featured Insights

Digital Transformation Enabling Industrial Sustainability – 2022 Analysis

Climate change is affecting society and hampering global trade. The focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) across regions and industries is at an all-time high, with concerns around environmental sustainability at the forefront. Social media and political and stakeholder (both shareholder and employee) activism have intensified this focus.

This Omdia survey looks at industrial sustainability initiative developments, the objectives and challenges influencing investments, and the role of digital transformation in enabling this change.

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An energy smart grid is a powerful tool to reduce emissions and meet sustainability goals

This analyst insight provides an overview of how smart grid deployments lead to a sustainable future and which challenges need to be addressed.

To prevent the effects of climate change, the International Energy Agency requires major economies to transform their energy policies to lower carbon dioxide emissions to near zero by 2050. Omdia believes that, among other solutions and strategies, the adoption of IoT and AI unlocks tremendous opportunities for utility vendors and other businesses to optimize energy consumption, meet their sustainability goals, and maintain costs at relatively low levels.

Building energy management systems – The route to net zero

End users are embracing BEMS in various ways, creating a need for more flexible and scalable solutions. This report discusses the provision of SaaS and cloud-based systems as part of the route to net zero.

Net-zero emissions targets have risen to the top of government and private sector policymakers’ agendas worldwide. Most nations have set 2050 as their targeted date to achieve net-zero emissions. As a result, Omdia believes that BEMS will play a key role, as they can help lower the energy intensity of buildings and achieve wider national net-zero emissions targets.


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Meet the team
Eden Zoller

Chief Analyst, Applied AI

Eden Zoller
Natalia Modjeska

Research Director, AI and Intelligent Automation

Natalia Modjeska
Josh Builta

Research Director, AI & IOT

Josh Builta
John Canali

Principal Analyst, IoT

John Canali
Hansa Iyengar

Senior Principal Analyst - Enterprise IT Management & Architecture and Lead Analyst Enterprise Technology Advisory Service

Hansa Iyengar
Roy Illsley

Chief Analyst, IT Operations

Roy Illsley
Cliff Leimbach

Senior Research Analyst

Cliff Leimbach
Curt Franklin
Curtis Franklin

Principal Analyst, Enterprise Security Management

Curtis Franklin
Elvia Finalle

Analyst, Cybersecurity

Elvia Finalle
Alex West

Senior Principal Analyst, Industrial IoT

Alex West
Ivy Sun

Senior Analyst, Physical Security

Ivy Sun
Joanne Goh

Research Manager, Manufacturing Technology

Joanne Goh
James Crawshaw

Practice Leader

James Crawshaw
David Hancock

Chief Analyst, Media and Entertainment

David Hancock
Kevin Burden

Director, Primary Research

Kevin Burden